Let’s face it, we’re not getting any younger and wrinkles are, unfortunately, a fact of life. But can they be avoided? Well, yes and no — so let’s take a look at some ways to prevent wrinkles before you have another birthday.
That’s right, the older we get more wrinkles seem to follow. But, what if there are ways to prevent, or even reverse, all those fine lines and wrinkle.
Here’s a list of twelve healthy tips you can practice to prevent winkles:
1. Drink Water – a 6 – 8 glasses per day helps skin keep hydrated.
2. Exercise Regularly – exercising increases your muscle tone and keeps your entire body healthy.
3. Eat Healthy – a heathy diet rich in foods high in anti-oxidants.
4. Take Vitamins – multi-vitamins are important especially vitamins A, C and E.
5. Wear Sunscreen – moisturize daily with an SPF 15 or higher to protect the skin.
6. Avoid Drastic Weight Fluctuations – losing too much weight in a short time span (too fast) can result in sagging skin.
7. Limit Alcohol Intake – alcohol dehydrates the skin thus causes wrinkles.
8. Avoid Smoking – it’s carcinogenic, besides that, smoking ages the skin prematurely.
9. Avoid Sun – try not to sunbathe, but if you must, avoid the hours between 10am and 3pm when skin gets excessive exposure to UV rays which doesn’t help prevent wrinkles.
10. Wear Protective Clothing – a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses when out in the sun so you protect skin and eyes (sunglasses also reduce squinting which causes wrinkles).
11. Sleep – Get plenty of rest and try to sleep on your back.
12. Cleanse Skin Regularly – wash face twice daily (morning and evening) to maintain healthy skin and use quality anti aging skin care products that help fight the signs of aging.
Here’s a bonus tip:
13. Boost Collagen and Elastin Naturally – a very important tip when it comes to ways to prevent wrinkles. Don’t be fooled though by the skin care creams and lotions that contain collagen and elastin because you’ll just be wasting your hard earned money. Here’s why, when collagen and elastin are applied topically in a lotion or cream it’s useless because the molecules are too large and can’t be absorbed into the skin. All it does then is sit on your skin clogging your pores. Instead, use skin care products that contain ingredients that aid your body to produce its own collagen and elastin.
That’s right, there are effective natural ingredients in skin care products that help your body produce natural collagen and elastin thus help prevent wrinkles.
Here are some of the ingredients:
• Phytessence Wakame — an extract from a Japanese sea kelp, this natural ingredient is rich in sodium, iron, potassium, calcium and vitamins. It inhibits the activity of hyaluronidase and protects your skin against damage caused by UV rays. Maintains your skin’s moisture balance thus keeping it looking firm and healthy.
• Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 — a special nano-emulsion form of CoenzymeQ10 that penetrates down through seven layers of skin and has the ability to increase collagen and elastin production in the skin.
• Cynergy TK — in clinical trials on human volunteers, this ingredient has been proven to increase collagen and elastin production and dramatically increase moisture and elasticity in the skin making the signs of aging disappear causing your skin to take on a glowing, youthful appearance.
Make no mistake about it, we all want to find ways to prevent wrinkles and by learning about the above mentioned tips along with what ingredients to look for in quality skin care products to help battle wrinkles, you’re well on your way to looking younger and healthier!