الخميس، 22 ديسمبر 2011

دورة القراءة السريعة !! متكاملة.. / ڤيديو.

القراءة السريعة ..


















لم يتم العثور على هذه الحلقة !


لم يتم العثور على هذه الحلقة

.. تم التحديث ..

الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011


Hyperactivity in Children & Diet
Photo Credit child image by Vaida from Fotolia.com

Whether your child has a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or he's just a very energetic kid, changes in his diet may improve his behavior. Some children respond to food sensitivities with overly energetic or out of control behavior. Common problem foods include dyes and preservatives; however, some children may react behaviorally to a variety of foods. Including other foods in the diet can improve behavior, especially foods rich in good fatty acids.


Hyperactivity in children can present with a variety of symptoms, including poor impulse control, a higher than usual activity level, difficulty sitting still and an inability to focus. While medications are commonly used for children with ADHD, many parents would prefer a solution that doesn't include the typical stimulant based drugs. Dietary changes are one option in this situation, but they can also be used along with medication.


There are several diets routinely suggested for children with hyperactivity, particularly the well-known Feingold diet. These diets often focus on avoiding certain foods, and emphasize foods that may help to improve focus and reduce hyperactivity. According to the Mayo Clinic, scientific evidence supports the notions that some of the foods these diets advise to avoid may increase hyperactive behavior.

Food Additives

The Feingold diet recommends that all food additives, including colorings, preservatives and artificial flavorings, be avoided to improve the symptoms of hyperactivity. No other foods are eliminated in this diet. The American Academy of Pediatrics supports removing these artificial ingredients from the diet of children with ADHD.


Choose a diet with plenty of protein, particularly in the morning and after school. Opt for nuts, beans, cheese, eggs and unprocessed meats. Reduce simple carbohydrates, like white sugar and white flour and increase complex carbohydrates, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Be sure to include foods rich in omega fatty acids in the diet, including nuts, fish and olive oil, recommends EveryDiet.org.


The Feingold program reports an extremely high rate of success, touting figures as high 68 to 90 percent. A British study conducted by the University of Southampton and published in "Lancet" in 2007 showed an increase in hyperactive behavior when children consumed artificial colorings, according to "Time" magazine. While you should not undertake significant dietary changes without your physician's approval, opting for unprocessed whole foods without additives or preservatives is a safe way to improve ADHD symptoms for many children.

Read more:


>>>> This article was written by :
Michelle Powell-Smith  

Michelle Powell-Smith  has been writing on a variety of subjects from finance to crafts since 2004. Her work appears on sites including eHow and ModernMom.com. She holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in art history from the University of Missouri-Columbia, which has provided strong research skills and a varied range of interests


الخميس، 16 يونيو 2011

هل يموت الماضي ؟؟؟

هل يموت الماضي؟!
د. سلمان بن فهد العودة
السبت 28 ربيع الثاني 1432
الموافق 02 إبريل 04

حين تزوجها شعر بأنه يملك روحها وعقلها وجسدها، فلا بأس من الفضول إذاً، والتنقيب عن تفصيلات الماضي، الخيال الخصب، وربما تجربته الخاصة توحي له بأن ثمّ أسراراً مكتومة (وبعض السر لا يسر)..

هي طوع يمينك، وبين يديك، بمقدورك أن تدرك قدر إخلاصها لك، واستعدادها للتضحية من أجلك, فَلِم العيش في دهاليز الماضي ومنحنياته، ولِم تتحول علاقة الحب والصفاء إلى جلسات استجواب ومحاكمة وشكوك؟

أنت بحاجة إلى أن تنتقل من الماضي إلى المستقبل، وحين تسكن بيتك الجديد فماذا ستحمل معك من المنزل القديم؟

ستحمل أشياءك الجميلة، وتحفك الثمينة، وكل ما خفّ حمله وغلا ثمنه.. أما الأثاث البالي فلن تسمح أن يشوّه الصورة الجديدة التي يظهر مسكنك أمام أسرتك وأضيافك بها !

تفاءل وافتح رئتيك للهواء العليل..

اسعد بالحاضر وجمالياته ومننه التي لن تراها حتى تركل غشاوة الأحزان عن طريقك , وترفعها عن عينيك وتتشح بالتفاؤل والأمل والرضا.

هل يمكن نسيان الماضي؟

يبدو ذلك صعباً، ولكن علينا ألا نعيش في الماضي بكل أحاسيسنا, ولا نستسلم لسطوة التاريخ التي تحول دون رؤية الحاضر.

في الماضي أمجاد تتحدث عنها، بيد أن البكاء على الأطلال عشق عربي خلده الشعر وازّينت به الخُطب، وبات مَهرباً عند النوازل، على أن أولئك العظماء الذين نتحدث عنهم؛ كانت عظمتهم أنهم عاشوا عصرهم, وصنعوا مستقبلهم, ولم يشغلهم الماضي على حد قول..

إلهى بني تغلب عن كل مكرمة       قصيدة قالها عمرو بن كلثوم

يفاخرون بها مذ  كان  أولهم        يا للرجال لفخر غير  مسؤوم

في الماضي آلام ومحن وإخفاقات : فَقْدُ عزيز يصعب نسيانه، خيانة زوج، فشل مشروع، قسوة قريب، إعراض حبيب، انفصال، هزيمة..

قاوم بجدارة..

الماضي لا يموت، كيف وقد عشناه بكل جوارحنا ومشاعرنا، يبقى مخزوناً في الشعور وفي اللاشعور، ومن المهم أن نبرمج الطريقة التي نتعامل بها معه.

ذِكر الله وتسبيحه مصدر هائل للطّاقة والإلهام، فمنه كل شيء، وله كل شيء.

الإيمان بالقدر يسكب في القلب رضاً (مَا أَصَابَ مِنْ مُصِيبَةٍ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ )(التغابن: من الآية11)، (مَا أَصَابَ مِنْ مُصِيبَةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَلا فِي أَنْفُسِكُمْ إِلَّا فِي كِتَابٍ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ نَبْرَأَهَا)(الحديد: من الآية22).

ولأمرٍ ما جاء الكشف عن القدر والإذن الإلهي والكتاب المسطور, في مقام الحديث عن المصيبة ؛ليحدث الرضا والإيمان وهدوء القلب.

التصالح مع الواقع والرضا به, ومحاولة تحسينه وتطويره دون جبرية أو استسلام.

الأصدقاء هم عدة للنوائب، هذا وقتهم، لتعيش معهم أويقات من المتعة والفرح، ولتتكلف شيئاً من السرور، لا تحرم شفتيك الابتسامة، ولا تمنع لسانك الحديث، شارك وبارك، أنت هنا تحفّز طاقتك الذاتية، وتُفعّل وجدانك، ومن قَبْلُ فعلت ذلك أمُّ المؤمنين أم حبيبة زوج النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم -حين توفي أبوها أبو سفيان بن حرب, فدعت بطيب, فدهنت منه جارية, ثم مسّت بعارضيها, ثم قالت : والله مالي بالطيب من حاجة , غير أني سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم  قال:( لاَ يَحِلُّ لاِمْرَأَةٍ تُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ أَنْ تُحِدَّ عَلَى مَيِّتٍ فَوْقَ ثَلاَثِ لَيَالٍ إِلاَّ عَلَى زَوْجٍ أَرْبَعَةَ أَشْهُرٍ وَعَشْرًا) رواه البخاري ومسلم.

داوم على برنامجك المعتاد.. عملاً وقراءة ورياضة ومجالسة، واستجمع قواك للانغماس المتزن في الحياة.

لا تكبت عواطفك، فقَدْرٌ من البوح هو متنفس للأحزان.

تحدّث بإيجابية، ولا تسمح لكلمة سلبية عن ذاتك أن تمر على لسانك، فأُذُنك تسمعها وعقلك يحفظها، واللاوعي يقوم بتخزينها، اللاوعي ليس بدعة ابتكرها علماء النفس، هو حقيقة تدركها حينما تتذكر شيئاً ثم تنساه.. ثم تتذكره.. أين كان حين نسيته ؟ ولو طمره النسيان المحكم سيظل مؤثراً بقدْر أو بآخر.

في الماضي الذنوب والأخطاء والغدرات والفجرات، وربما ما تسميه أنت بـ " الجرائم " ! خاصة حين يحتدم الشعور بالذنب... حتى المعصية هي بقدَر، ومع الاستغفار ومحاولة التوبة و" الندم " المعتدل , ستجد رحمة الله تحوطك، وعنايته تحرسك، ومغفرته تسكّن لوعة قلبك.

لا تُطِل الوقوف عند أخطائك, إلا بقدر ما تقتبس منها حافزاً لمستقبل أفضل، ولتعويض رشيد.

أكثر ما يكون الندم حين تتذكر إساءاتك للآخرين (أَنْ تُصِيبُوا قَوْماً بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ)(الحجرات: من الآية6)، وأكثر من يحسّ بذلك أصحاب الضمير الحي (يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا)(الحجرات من الآية6).

اعتذر لمن أسأت إليه بشجاعة، وبسرعة، وبصورة مباشرة، واطلب الصفح، وخذ على نفسك عهداً ألا تعود، واجعل لمن أسأت إليهم حظاً من دعواتك، وثنائك الطيّب، وصلتك، وصدقتك.

استغفر الله عشراً ومائة وألفاً، دون ملل، قرر أن يكون الخطأ سبباً في صواب أعظم، كما فعل عمر حين قال ما قال يوم الحديبية.. قال: فعملت لذلك أعمالاً !

الإشفاق والخوف المعتدل مطلب.. رجل من السلف ركبه دين ؛ فقال : إنني أعرف لماذا أصابني هذا الدين.. قلت لرجل قبل أربعين سنة : يا مفلس !

اللامبالاة مصيبة، كما التأنيب المفرط حين يحمل على الكآبة والعجز والانقطاع.

أد واجبك نحو أسرتك , وأعطهم وقتاً كافياً وشعوراً صافياً , وصمم على أن تكون الأب والزوج المثالي!

"صانع الموت" نوبل الذي اخترع الديناميت، وكسب منه ثروة هائلة، هو صاحب جائزة نوبل للسلام والإبداع والمعرفة، والتي أراد منها تصحيح جزء من خطئه، مع أن الديناميت يُستخدم لأغراض سلمية.

بطل رواية "البؤساء" غيّر اسمه، ودمّر كل ما يمتّ للماضي البئيس بصلة، ويظل الماضي يتبعه "فأصبح من النادمين "

غيّر نفسك من الداخل وتطبّع مع الماضي.

في الماضي صدمة عدوان أو تحرش أو اغتصاب، هنا الإحساس بالأذى، وازدراء النفس، الكتمان وعدم البوح، الشعور المفرط بأن الناس يعرفونه ويشيرون إليه.

ثم حالات عابرة يجب نسيانها أو تناسيها، بل يمكن للإنسان أن يشكك في حدوثها أصلاً، ربما كان الأمر توهماً أو ظناً في غير محله، أو لم يكن تحرشاً بالمعنى الدقيق.

وثم صغار يتوجب على أهلهم ألا يشعروهم بالذنب والإحساس السلبي تجاه أنفسهم، أو يبالغوا في تحذيرهم بما يصنع لديهم الاضطراب وفقدان الثقة.

تذكر أن المهم ليس هو ما حدث، بل استجابتك للحدث، وقدرتك على تجاوزه، وافترض أنه لم يحدث، وإن حدث أن الناس غير معنيين به، وعندهم من همومهم ما يشغلهم عنك وعنه.

لا تنس أنك كنت الضحية وليس الجاني، وأن مرحلة عمرية كانت تمر بك كغيرك، تذكري يا ابنتي تلك الفتاة الأمريكية التي اغتُصبت فألّفت كتاب " نعم أنا الفتاة التي اغتصبت " ولاقى رواجاً كبيراً.

لا تذيعي قصتك, ولكن تحلَّي بالرّوح الإيجابية في داخلك..

اغسل يديك وجسدك , وتطهّر فهذا يساعد على التخلص من الإحساس بالذنب.

استخدم الخيال لإعادة البرمجة الذاتية، فالخيال أهم من المعرفة.

اقذف الصورة المسيطرة عنك بعيداً , وتعلّم كيف تتغلب عليها.

تحدث بإيجابية، فكما تقول تكون!

-الألم من الماضي هو حاضر، وربما مستقبل، العادة التي يدمن عليها، علاقة محرمة - شراب - مشكلة سرية..

إياك أن تقول : لا فائدة، ولو أخفقت للمرة الألف، لا تسمح باتساع دائرة الخطأ، حاصره بالعمل الصالح، اندفع للإحسان إلى الناس، فالله يحب المحسنين.

الخميس، 2 يونيو 2011

Start your own business

1Start with your idea. This probably isn't a brand new invention or product. In fact, many successful small businesses have found a way to deliver an existing service or product more efficiently and economically or have customized an existing product or service to fit an opportunity.
2Put together a business plan. This doesn't require hundreds of pages with thousands of charts. Include research into things like how much you can charge for your product/service, how much it will cost to produce or deliver (include variable & fixed costs), and the size of your potential market (i.e. number of customers). The plan should evaluate your competitors - how many competitors, how strong are they, where are they, how will you compete. The plan should state what is required to enter this market, barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories, restaurants) and government regulations that must be met.
3Determine if you need financing. Your business plan will include a section on financing. How will you pay the costs to start and run your business? Do you need a bank loan? Use credit cards? Self finance? Also, you'll need to consider how much salary you need to support yourself while starting your business.
4Put together your initial marketing plan. Marketing need not cost a fortune. Some businesses require very little. For example, many service businesses such as accounting firms build their practices through word-of-mouth referrals. You can also join free or low-cost associations to build awareness of your small business. Again, your business plan (product, customer, competitor) will help you determine the marketing efforts you need to undertake.
5Build your infrastructure early. This doesn't mean build a big factory or a fancy office. It simply means keep accurate customer records, a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation, if necessary. One of the downfalls of many small businesses is that they don't know if they're making or losing money (i.e. the need for a clean set of books). Another downfall is when small business owners try to sell their company years later but lack accurate customer history and customer information. Many times, the customers of a small business are its best asset, and, without the records, the small business can be sold only for salvage.
6Move forward and get started. Once you know you can be profitable take the leap and get started. Besides getting business supplies or advertising, plan ahead by establishing some new business clients ahead of time. If you're business is unlike a restaurant, that physically needs to wait for customers to walk into it's doors, establish accounts ahead of time. In this way, you will have pre-planned future receivables to look forward to. Think about and focus on making money first, where ever possible, instead of spending money. The more money you can bring in, without spending money, the more profitable you are going to be.
7Use the web. Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage. The internet is a customers research tool. Help future customers learn more about you and the details about what you sell and why your products or services are different and better for them than other competitors.
8Make paying for your items or service convenient. In today's world, understand how people pay. Carrying cash can be risky. Therefore, most people choose to carry Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. All these credit cards are part of our societies everyday life for making purchases. Debit cards are becoming especially popular. So, along with having a sales counter cash register, get set up to accept credit cards for your business. If you have your website set up, you should also make paypal payments available because most consumers feel that this is more secure, and many will use paypal.
9Purchase a new electronic credit card machine. These are now very affordable and available at wholesale prices for about $147. Be sure to look for a wholesale supplier, not a retail seller such as a bank. Banks usually charge higher prices or rent it to you, and you may pay for it many times over. The same credit machine supplier will more than likely be able to offer you credit machine service too. This monthly cost is about $10. By doing this you'll be able to get equipment for less then the price of most cell phones. More importantly, you can offer your customers an easy way to accept credit cards. The goal is to help customers self-finance their purchases when they don't or can't use cash

الاثنين، 30 مايو 2011

التعامل مع المراهق في السنة النبوية

*توجد مشكلة أسرية أزلية تبدأ مع تحول الأبناء من سن الطفولة إلى سن المراهقة وقد احتار الأباء في علاج المشكلة رغم خبراتهم السابقة فيها وذلك لتغير الموقف عند الأب والأم من مراهق أثناء فترة مراهقته إلى راعٍ أثناء فترة مراهقة أبنائه.

ـ وتتركز مشكلة المراهق في النمو البدني المتسارع، والإفراز الهرموني الزائد والرغبة الجنسية القوية، والحاجات النفسية المعقدة , وفي هذا الوضع المتأجج تجد الأسرة نفسها في مشكلة كبيرة.
 من هنا وجب الاهتمام بالمراهق في مناهج التربية الأسرية في المدرسة والتعاون بين البيت والمدرسة والمسجد ووسائل الإعلام ووسائط الثقافة الأخرى, بحيث يتكامل الاهتمام بالجوانب البدنية والنفسية والاجتماعية والتعليمية والثقافية والروحية, وهذا يتطلب مناهج متكاملة ومترابطة يعدها اختصاصيون في علوم الأحياء والنفس والتربية الإسلامية والتربية الأسرية، والتربية الاجتماعية والبدنية .

الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم والمراهق:
عالجت السنة النبوية المطهرة الجوانب النفسية والبدنية والتعليمية والاجتماعية والتربوية للمراهق في الحديث الذي أورده الإمام أحمد رضي الله عنه في مسنده.عن أبي أمامة: أن فتى شاباً أتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا رسول الله! ائذن لي في الزنا، فأقبل القوم عليه فزجروه وقالوا: ( مه، مه ) فدنا منه قريباً قال: فجلس ( أي: الشاب ).

ـ قال: أتحبه لأهلك؟ قال: لا والله جعلني الله فداءك.
قال: ولا الناس يحبونه لأمهاتهم.
ـ قال: أتحبه لأختك؟ قال: لا والله جعلني الله فداءك.
قال: ولا الناس يحبونه لأخواتهم.
ـ قال: أتحبه لعمتك؟ قال: لا والله جعلني الله فداءك.
قال: ولا الناس يحبونه لعماتهم.
ـ قال: أتحبه لخالتك؟ قال: لا والله جعلني الله فداءك.
قال: ولا الناس يحبونه لخالاتهم.
ـ قال: فوضع يده عليه وقال: ( اللهم اغفر ذنبه، وطهر قلبه، وحصن فرجه ). فلم يكن الفتى بعد ذلك يلتفت إلى شيء.أخرجه الإمام أحمد في مسنده.

من التربية الأسرية في الحديث:
1ـ الرفق واللين في المعاملة:
عندما أفصح الفتى بما يعانيه من حاجة إلى الزنا زجره القوم وقالوا: ( مه ـ مه ) ولكن الرحمة المهداة , رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم رفق بالفتى وعامله باللين وهدأ من روعه ودنا منه قريباً، فأنس الفتى وهدأ . من هنا وجب معاملة المراهقين بالرفق واللطف واللين وتقدير الموقف العصيب الذي يعاني منه المراهق.

2ـ فتح باب الحوار مع المراهق:
عندما أنس الفتى لرسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فتح معه باب الحوار والمناقشة , وهذا من أحدث أساليب التعليم والتعلُّم في التربية الحديثة، والحوار وإيجابية المتعلم يؤديان إلى سرعة التعلم وإشراكه في النتائج التعليمية والتقويم فيشعر أنه صاحب القرار وأن الحل ليس مفروضاً عليه، من هنا وجب علينا بناء مناهج دراسية تقوم على فتح باب الحوار مع المتعلم وأن يكون المعلم والمربي قادراً على إدارة الحوار , وهذا لن يتأتى إلا بالعلم بنفسية المراهق وخصائص نموه , وحاجته البدنية والاجتماعية والتربوية.

3ـ العِلم بنفسية المراهق وخصائص نموه:
حتى يتمكن المعلم أو المربي أو الوالد من معالجة المراهق يجب عليه أن يكون على دراية تامة بالجوانب النفسية وخصائص نمو المراهق حتى نستطيع الوصول إلى النتائج المرجوة.

4ـ بيان أبعاد المشكلة:
حتى يعلم الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم المراهق خطورة الزنا بين معه جوانب المشكلة الاجتماعية والنفسية , وأن ما يريد الإقدام عليه من المخالفات الاجتماعية والخلقية التي لا يرضاها الناس لأنفسهم وهنا استشعر المراهق أبعاد المشكلة.

تحديد المشكلة:
علم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن للمشكلة أسس خلقية وقلبية وبدنية , فوضع يده على صدر الشاب ثم دعا له بالمغفرة لطلبه الزنا، وتطهير القلب من نوازع الشيطان وإحصان فرجه، من هنا يجب أن نعلم مشاكل المراهقين ونحددها.

علاج المشكلة:
ـ عالج المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم المشكلة بعد تحديدها, فوضع يده على الفتى ليهدأ بدينا، وطلب من الله أن يحصن فرجه , ويطهر قلبه, وحتى نحصن فرج الشباب علينا تيسير سبل الزواج والحث عليه بضوابطه الشرعية، وتربية الشباب تربية إيمانية واتاحة مجالات للأنشطة الشبابية , وتنميته إجتماعياً واقتصادياً وسياسياً. ومن سبل تحقيق ذلك بناء المناهج الدراسية في مجال التربية الأسرية وتعاون الجميع من أجل تربية المراهقين التربية السوية.

المصدر :موسوعة الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن والسنة.

الأحد، 29 مايو 2011

Dealing with Disrespect: 15 Tips for Parents

If you have a disrespectful teenager, don’t give up! Below are some highly effective techniques you can start implementing that will greatly diminish disrespectful behavior. While not all of these strategies will work in every situation or with every teenager, most parents who have practiced the following techniques report significant improvements in their child’s general attitude and behavior:

1. As much as this sounds like bribery, adolescents will react positively when they realize there is something in it for them. That doesn't mean for every good report card or every goal scored they should get money or gifts. But maybe after maintaining consistent good grades or following house rules, lighten their chore load or give them a later curfew. It's these things that matter the most to an adolescent after all, while giving them a little leeway here and there will show them that you recognize their efforts and hard work.

2. Generally, moms and dads should ignore the mildly disrespectful things that their children do (e.g., eye rolling, stomping up the stairs, muttering about how life isn’t fair, sighing dramatically, slamming their bedroom door, etc.).

3. If an adolescent breaks the rules at home or at school, the initial reaction of a mother/father will be to punish them in some way. Although he or she should not get off scot-free, it's essential to try and create a rational punishment that both mother/father and youngster can agree on, or at least a punishment that moms and dads know they can control. For example, your adolescent may break curfew or get poor grades. Saying that they're grounded for a month (or longer) is not going to work. Why? One of the most important aspects of an adolescent's life is being part of the social scene; going out with their friends and not feeling like they've missed anything. So no matter how strict you are, your young person will find a way to sneak out and go where they please. Of course if they get caught, this will most likely lead to more fighting and stricter rules, which will probably be broken again, and the cycle goes on. Want a more modern punishment that will really work? Take away their cell phone.

4. Be willing to follow through. You cannot just threaten to take away your disrespectful adolescent’s cell phone; if the behavior continues, you actually have to do it. No, you do not have to wrestle the phone out of your adolescent’s hand. Simply call the company and suspend the service. You will make your point, and in most cases, your disrespectful adolescent will choose respect over lack of privilege.

5. It is a mother/father's first instinct to worry when their son or daughter doesn't answer the phone, doesn't call that often, or isn't home all the time. While it's perfectly normal to worry, you should also remember that your adolescent is a person to, with a life of their own. Because it's never a good thing to be known as the "crazy" mom or dad who calls everyone in their phone book at 4 AM looking for their son/daughter, it's a good idea to set up some basic rules to avoid this situation. For instance, before your adolescent goes out, ask them where they're going and when they plan on being home. Make it understood that if their plans change, i.e., they plan on sleeping over a friend's house or staying out later, they simply must call to let you know. If you need to tell your son/daughter something and have a cell phone, text them instead of calling. If your adolescent is at a party or out with friends, they aren't going to want to openly answer their phone to a bugging mother/father with a million questions. Texts are more private and to the point. If there is an emergency at home, then call them. Try and make this routine so both mother/father and youngster will agree to have some communication, without the mother/father being overbearing.

6. Moms and dads may shudder at the thought of their son/daughter having sex, using drugs, failing school, an even being unpopular. But these days, such issues cannot be avoided. While perhaps the hardest part of being an adolescent lies in making decisions that will change them for better or worse, moms and dads should know that they can have a positive influence on their youngster if they approach the issues correctly. For example, instead of saying "don't have sex" or "drugs are bad," tell them what could happen to them if they do have unprotected sex or abuse drugs. I guarantee a picture of an STD or (for girls) the thought of having a baby will make them think more than a command will. If you know your adolescent is sexually active, ask them if they're using condoms and even sneak some into their purse or wallet if you can. This may seem a stretch for some moms and dads, while others may feel it equates to giving their adolescent permission to have sex. But, if your adolescent isn't having sex now, he/she will be one day, and it is better to take this approach instead of pretending sex doesn't exist. In addition, for all of those old-fashioned moms and dads out there, you should know that the good old fashion "sex talk" doesn't work. Taking the "safe sex" route is always more effective than "no sex" because it shows your children you are aware of what they're going through, making you one less adult in their life that doesn't understand.

7. No matter how much you want to know where your son/daughter is and who they're with every second of the day, you simply can't. In the same manner, you can't expect your son/daughter to be open with you about everything going on in their life. As harmless as it may seem to an adult to invade their adolescent's privacy every now and then, to an adolescent it is a line that should not be crossed. No matter what good intentions a mother/father may have, once they cross this line they will notice their son/daughter is less and less open about even the simple things, like how they did on a test or how soccer practice went. You can't expect an adolescent to be open with you if you go out of your way to be sneaky or nosy in their personal life. If you want to win their trust, sometimes it's the little things that count, such as knocking before you enter their room or not interrupting them if they're on the phone. Remember, everyone needs their space.

8. Often, as moms and dads, you might feel as though you are obligated to remain engaged with your adolescent no matter what. Whether you feel you have to have the last word or you have to keep pushing until your adolescent acknowledges your point, you may be suffering through more disrespectful behavior than you need to. If you are having a conversation (argument) with your adolescent and frustrated about the way the conversation is going, or if you do not want to allow the conversation to escalate into an argument, then you have to learn that it is ok to walk away. If your disrespectful adolescent is attempting to engage you in an argument or trying to get his or her way on something, firmly and quietly repeat your decision, then let them know you will not continue the conversation, and walk away. Even if you have to leave the room, lock yourself in your bedroom, and jog in place to burn off the frustration, it is better than continuing to engage your adolescent on that level.

9. One of the main reasons kids and adolescents are disrespectful is because they have been indulged and spoilt, not taught how to disagree in an assertive manner. Disrespect is rife in homes where moms and dads have been permissive in bringing up their kids and where there are few firm rules set for appropriate behavior. It is easy for the youngster to push the boundaries and behave in a disrespectful way because they know no different and believe that kind of behavior would be appropriate and accepted. In these permissive homes, the adolescents are often confused by the inconsistency in their treatment and bad behavior is their way of rebelling against this. The best tips here are to be firm but fair with the youngster from as early as possible in their life, to be consistent but flexible with rules and to ensure that the boundaries for good behavior are kept in place, and with some discretion. Every step along the way, make sure that adolescents are taught appropriate ways of asking for what they desire, disagreeing with decisions made and being able to deal with rejection. Those coping skills will then become routine in their behavior and help to make them more confident, especially in the more competitive adult world.

10. Remember that adolescents have their own world of problems. To them minuscule drama is equated to grown-ups not being able to pay the bills. They are not concerned with real life problems yet. However, on the same note realize they do have to deal with serious issues that grown-ups easily may have forgotten about, from self-esteem to sex to drugs. Just remember to be there for them without being judgmental.

11. Respect, disrespect and compliance are often issues that become entangled between moms and dads and children. Moms and dads have a right to expect compliance from all the kids who are living in their house, even if that youngster is 22 years old. Often, the friction is caused by a child’s legitimate need to become more independent as he develops. This is precisely where moms and dads and adolescents come into conflict: the mother/father wants compliance and the child wants independence. Now let’s take it one step further: When the child doesn’t comply, the mother/father feels disrespected—and they make the mistake of personalizing that feeling. I think that adolescents have to learn to solve the problem of compliance in healthy ways. But moms and dads also need to understand that many times, their youngster’s small acts of rebelliousness come from the fact that they want to be independent—it has nothing to do with disrespect.

12. Some moms and dads easily mistake their youngster's ranting and raving as a direct attack upon them as authority figures. However, for some adolescents, venting is their way of talking and being open without feeling vulnerable. Most adolescents don't feel comfortable opening up to moms and dads about personal issues and some never will. Instead of trying to force them to open up or asking mundane questions like "How was your day," try and direct your questions towards their needs. For example, if their complaining about how hard their math homework is, offer to help them with it. If they are yelling about how their life sucks and there's never anything to do, offer to drive them and their friends to the movies or the mall. In essence, kill them with kindness.

13. Sometimes adolescents are disrespectful toward moms and dads because they are emotionally hurting and in pain. Many kids hurt for lots of reasons that their moms and dads are not even aware of. Often the moms and dads get the stick simply for being there, because there is no one else to blame. The youngster could be bullied, or being abused in some way, or has fallen out with peers, and disrespect to a mother/father makes up for the lack of support and good feeling the adolescent may perceive are missing. The best way to deal with this aspect is to talk to them often about their day, show concern for their life and activities without being intrusive. Wait until they are ready to open up. Be sensitive to when they might be unusually quiet or pre-occupied and be there for them when you sense they need your comfort.

14. You owe your adolescent a roof over his/her head, food to eat, and your love. Everything else (cell phones, video games, internet access, cable, free time with friends, money for the dance on Friday night, dating, a car, etc) are all EXTRAs. It might not seem like that sometimes, but if you start recognizing that each of the items your adolescent holds dear is most likely a want and not a necessity, then you can offer your disrespectful adolescent a choice. If your adolescent chooses to treat you and the other members of your family with respect and follow the house rules, then there will be privileges to have. If your adolescent chooses to behave disrespectfully, that behavior is a demonstration of a lack of maturity and privileges can be denied or removed from the adolescent’s life.

15. You would think that the golden rule would be ingrained in the minds of grown-ups from a young age, however it's surprising to see how many moms and dads call their children disrespectful and then react the same way themselves. For example, if your young person screams and yells at you rudely, do you yell back? Do you shut them down with "you're grounded" and slam the door? It's important to remember that communication is critical in any relationship and of course, the relationship with your adolescent son/daughter is going to be one of the hardest you'll have to maintain. Try to respect them no matter how out of line they may be, and try to stay as calm and rational as possible. If anything, this will get them to eventually calm down and convince them that you're actually listening to what they're saying and not just yelling back commands.
Help for Parents with Disrespectful Children and Teens

طرق التعامل مع المراهقين

هنالك عدد من القواعد والتوجيهات العامة في التعامل مع الأولاد في مرحلة المراهقة، يجب على الأب والأم مراعاتها..
• اهتم باعداده لمرحلة البلوغ، وضح له أنها من أجمل أوقات حياته
• اشرح له بعض الأحكام الشرعية الخاصة بالصيام والصلاة والطهارة بشكل بسيط.
• اظهر الاهتمام والتقدير لما يقوله عند تحدثه إليك
• اهتم بمظهره، واترك له حرية الاختيار
• استضف أصدقاءه وتعرف عليهم عن قرب، وأبد احتراماً شديداً لهم.
• امدح أصدقاءه ذوي الصفات الحسنة مع مراعاة عدم ذم الآخرين
• شجِّعه على تكوين أصدقاء جيدين، ولا تشعره بمراقبتك أو تفرض عليه أحدًا لا يريده
• احرص على لم شمل الأسرة باصطحابهم إلى الحدائق أو الملاهي أو الأماكن الممتعة.
• احرص على تناول وجبات الطعام معهم.
• اظهر فخرك به أمام أعمامه وأخواله وأصدقائه؛ فهذا سيشعره بالخجل من أخطائه.
• اصطحبه في تجمعات الرجال وجلساتهم الخاصة بحل مشاكل الناس، ليعيش أجواء الرجولة ومسؤولياتها؛ فتسمو نفسه، وتطمح إلى تحمل المسؤوليات التي تجعله جديرًا بالانتماء إلى ذلك العالم.
• شجِّعه على ممارسة رياضة يحبها، ولا تفرض عليه نوعًا معينًا من الرياضة

• اقترح عليه عدَّة هوايات، وشجِّعه على القراءة لتساعده في تحسين سلوكه.
• كافئه على أعماله الحسنة.
• تجاهل تصرفاته التي لا تعجبك
• تحاور معه كأب أو كأم حنون وحادثه كصديق مقرب
• اسأل عنه بالمدرسة وانقل له أبرِز ما يقوله المعلمون عن إيجابياته.
• اختيار الوقت المناسب لبدء الحوار مع الشاب أو الشابة .
• محاولة الوصول إلى قلب المراهق قبل عقله
• الابتعاد عن الأسئلة التي إجاباتها نعم أو لا، أو الأسئلة غير الواضحة وغير المباشرة.
• العيش قليلاً داخل عالمهم لنفهمهم ونستوعب مشاكلهم ومعاناتهم ورغباتهم.

المصدر : اليوم الالكتروني

مواضيع أخرى في التنمية :

الأحد، 22 مايو 2011

Best Foot Creams for Cracked Heels

Looking for the best foot creams for cracked heels? We have provided you some brands that are effective in eliminating cracks, calluses, dryness and fine lines from your heels. The creams moisturize your heels intensely and generate new tissues that replace the cracks. Read on...
The soft heels that you once possessed have become dry, and cracks have developed in them. Wearing shoes is painful and walking bare feet even inside the house causes you much discomfort. Appearance of fissures in heels is not an overnight affair. It's the consequence of neglecting the health of your feet over a long period of time. If you start caring for your heels, they will get back their original texture once again. Foot creams are blended adequately with moisturizers and antibacterial agents that heal the cracks present in your feet.

Best Foot Creams for Cracked Heels: Reviews

Before we go into the reviews of best foot creams for cracked heels, we shall explain the reasons behind this. The skin on the heel is naturally dry that tends to crack when not taken proper care of. This problem is more prominent during seasonal changes as your skin tends to dry up excessively. Walking bare foot regularly on uneven surfaces and exposing your feet to staunch UV rays also leads to cracked feet. Lack of exfoliation causes accumulation of dead cells on heels that gradually gives rise to fissures on the surface. Apart from these, skin diseases like plantar dermatosis, eczema and psoriasis also make you vulnerable to developing cracked heels.

Miracle Foot Repair Cream
It's an excellent formula for dry and cracked heels that is readily available on online shopping sites. The product contains tea tree oil and aloe vera that effectively remove bad odor and itchiness from feet. The moisturizers contained in it soften the skin on your heels and you can feel the difference within a week of application. The active ingredients include mineral oil, imidazolidinyl urea, glyceryl stearate, salicylic acid and peppermint oil. This unique blend is also capable of reducing fine aging lines from your feet, making them look younger.

Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Foot Cream
Neutrogena is known for its quality products that guarantees good results with regular application. The products keeps your heels moisturized for a continuous period of 17 hours. Enriched with glycerin, Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Foot Cream works wonders for cracked heels, dry feet and calluses. If you compare the price with the results that it ensures, then you will definitely feel that it's a worth buy. You also need not squeeze out dollops of creams because just a little amount on your fingertip will improve the condition of your heels.

Heel Rescue Foot Cream
Heel rescue is a 'super moisturizing' cream that is uniquely formulated for cracked and dry feet. The penetrating effect of the thick moisturizers is excellent that heals your feet within a short period. The key ingredients of this cream are stearic acid, silk amino acid, mineral oil, glycerin, DMDM hydantoin, and laureth-7. All these chemical compounds not only repair cracked heels but also accentuate tissue growth, thereby improving the condition of your feet. The cream should be applied twice a day followed by a thorough massage.

Other Creams
Apart from the products described above, the are many other brands that also come under the list of best foot creams for cracked heels. You must check for the ingredients before purchasing a foot cream for yourself. Sometimes urea creams for feet are also useful in bringing about the much needed change within a specific time period. However, stop using such creams if you are allergic to the ingredients. The list below provides you some other brands of foot creams.
  • O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet Creme
  • Heeltastic Intensive Heel Therapy
  • Kerasal Exfoliating Moisturizing Foot Ointment
  • Flexitol Medicated Foot Cream
  • Gold Bond Foot Cream
  • Curel Foot Therapy Cream
  • Burt's Bees Coconut Foot Creme
  • Compeed Overnight Cracked Heel Cream
  • Avon Therapeutic Cracked Heel Relief Cream
The aforementioned foot creams for cracked heel relief are available in cosmetic stores and also online. Wash your feet with warm water to cleanse dirt before applying these moisturizing creams. Stop using the cream if you experience itching and irritation. Instead you can visit a dermatologist to get the right treatment. Cracked heels, when paid proper attention to, get cured quickly, making your feet look young and supple once again.

By Saptakee Sengupta