السبت، 30 أبريل 2011

Vitamins to Improve Skin Elasticity

skin care week - أسبوع مواضيع العناية بالبشرة

APRIL 30 , 2011 - MAY 6 , 2011


Vitamins to Improve Skin Elasticity

The vitamins listed in this article are some of the most beneficial vitamins that help in retaining the elasticity and suppleness of skin. Read this article to know their benefits...

We almost end up lamenting remembering our youthful days when our skin was supple, bright, young and glowing. With passage of time, it has almost lost its sheen and has been reduced to a texture lacking tautness. The elasticity of skin has all vanished and you are trying hard to find out some good solutions for rejuvenating it once again. How is this possible? Are there any possible ways to restore elasticity of skin? Don't worry, there are ample ways to do this! Vitamins provide a wonderful remedy for improving elasticity and suppleness of skin. 

Vitamins that enhance elasticity of skin come from natural sources or can even be included in the form of pills and capsules. However, you must analyze your food habits and lifestyle and improvise them if necessary. So how to improve skin elasticity with vitamins? 

Vitamins that improve texture of skin have a specific mode of working and bringing about the desired effects. They can either be supplemented in the diet or you can take them externally, if the condition is beyond repair with natural ingredients. The skin tone is improved since they provide complete internal nourishment by regenerating new cells and increasing production of oils. Here's the list of vitamins that produce wonder effects on skin.
  • Vitamin E is the primary vitamin that revitalizes skin, making it soft and supple. Foods rich in vitamin E are almonds, walnut, peanuts, olive, etc. They act as antioxidants and aid in eliminating free radicals from inside. You will find that creams and lotions are enriched with vitamin E since it's useful for aging skin. You can also use vitamin E capsules for moisturizing your skin. The maximum dosage recommended is 400 IU per day.
  • Presence of vitamin E inside body increases production of vitamin A, which is also a skin toning agent. It has antioxidant properties that retards aging of skin, keeping it elastic for a longer period of time. However, you should be careful regarding the dosage because vitamin A toxicity is harmful for body. Foods rich in vitamin A are carrot, spinach, kale, turnip, parsley, etc. Not only does your skin regain its elasticity but it also becomes resistant to a large number of skin diseases.
  • One of the most effective vitamins to improve skin elasticity is vitamin K. It's used as an effective treatment for healing psuedoxanthoma elasticum, wherein the skin tends to age and slag prematurely. The three types of vitamins known as vitamin K1, K2 and K3 help in regulation of blood flow, that further provides complete internal skin nourishment Vitamin K, apart from boosting up elasticity of skin, also aids in healing wrinkles, imperfections and 'spider webs' on skin. Green vegetables, soy beans, lentils, spinach, cabbage, chicken, egg yolk, etc., contain vitamin K. You can even use medicated creams for improving the texture of your skin.
  • Vitamin C is abundantly available in natural sources. It's an excellent detoxifying agent, capable of flushing out toxins and free radicals from the body, thereby retaining elasticity of skin. It enhances production of collagen and formation of new tissues. All these processes are necessary for lasting tautness in skin. Vitamin C occurs largely in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, grapes, grapefruits, berries, etc. They are also rich in fiber, essential for the good health of your skin. Eat as much as possible to keep your skin elastic.
  • Vitamin B, better known as vitamin B complex, is a wonderful skin vitamin vital for retention of moisture in skin. Creams containing vitamin B complex and lipophilic molecules keep you looking youthful. Oral supplements of vitamin B are also administered for skin treatment. Niacinamide, a byproduct of vitamin B, also provides effective treatment for skin health complications. It's also used for curing other kinds of age related skin problems like hyper pigmentation, stretch marks, wrinkles, etc. Natural sources of vitamin B are whole grain products, eggs, milk, brown rice, legumes, cereals, potatoes, etc.
That was a complete guide to vitamins necessary for skin. If you are observing the elasticity wearing away from your skin, then you must nourish it with these vitamins. Get yourself examined by a reputed dermatologist to get the right treatment. Cosmetic surgeries for improving skin elasticity are not at all required until the damage caused to your skin is beyond repair. Last but not the least, drink plenty of water, eat more of fresh fruits and raw vegetables to stay young forever.

الجمعة، 22 أبريل 2011

من هم الغرباء ؟؟ ( اسلاميات )

"بدأ الإسلام غريباً وسيعود غريباً فطوبى للغرباء"

من هم الغرباء؟

لقد مدح الله سبحانه وتعالىَّ و رسوله صلىَّ الله عليه وسلم هذه الغُربـة, فلا وحشة علي صاحبها لأن وليه الله و رسوله, فهم الخاصة المتمسكون بكتاب الله وسنة رسول الله صلي الله عليه وسلم, وبهذا فهم غُربـاء ..فطوبىَّ لهم..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم يدعون الناس إلى عبادة الله لا عبادة من سواه .. ويعملون على إخراج العباد من عبادة العباد إلى عبادة رب العباد ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم فهموا علة الوجود .. وعرفوا الغاية التي خلقهم الله من أجلها ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم على العهد ثابتون .. لا يضرهم من خذلهم ولا من خالفهم

لأنهم يصلحون إذا فسد الناس ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم يقيمون دولة الإسلام في قلوبهم ويطبقونها على أي أرض تطأؤها أقدامهم ..

الصالحون والمصلحون .. العاملون والمعلِّمون ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم على الثغور مرابطون .. شعثٌ غبرٌ فهم لا يستسلمون ولا ينهزمون ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم توابون متطهرون .. متجردون لله ومخلصون له في أفعالهم وأقوالهم ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم نجوم التوحيد المضيئة في ظلام الجاهلية ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأن دين الله عندهم أغلى من متاع الدنيا وما فيها ..

لأنهم يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم ويتفكرون في خلق السماوات والأرض ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأن صلاتهم ومناسكهم وحياتهم ومماتهم لله رب العالمين ..

لأنهم يأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر ويجاهدون في سبيل الله ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم يشعرون بآلام إخوانهم .. وينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله ..

لأنهم لا يعطون الدنية في دينهم .. ويقولون الحق ولا يخشون في الله لومة لائم ..

 طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم يفردون الله بالعبادة .. ولا يعبدون الله رياءً ولا شهرة ولا طلباً لمتاع الدنيا الفانية ..

لأنهم ينقادون للحق أينما وجوده .. ولا يسمحون لأهوائهم أن تسيّرهم ..

طوبى للغرباء .. لأنهم قلب هذه الأمة النابض .. وهم من يسعى لعزتها ورفعتها وإعلاء شأنها ..

ولأنهم يستعينون بالله وحده في قضاء حوائجهم .. ولا يذلون أنفسهم لغير الله تعالى ..

 الغُربـاء في هذا الزمان ، هم المؤمنـون الصادقون حقاً .. منهم من ينتظر لقاء الله على شهادة التوحيد .. ومنهم من يجاهد ويرابط في الثغور .

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم :( كن في الدنيا كأنك غريب ، أو عابر سبيل ) .

نسأل الله أن نكون من الغرباء الذين أثنى عليهم رسول الله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم آمين .


الخميس، 14 أبريل 2011

Great Programs chosen carefully for you

How To Successfully Use the Color Orange In Your Interior Decorating

Modern orange color interior decorating

Jennifer Thoden

Orange is a very "hot" color that used as a pure color will promote energy in a room... almost too much energy to the point of unsettling. Which is why, if you plan on orange in a color scheme, you need to be smart about how you plan on using it.
You've probably rarely seen any room painted in pure orange or have a lot of pure orange decore. Most likely because a room done in pure orange is simply too much, too bright, too hot and not restful. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to never use pure orange in a color scheme... just have a reason. Perhaps it's a child's playroom and you paint a table bright orange. Or perhaps it's a lamp shade or funky lamp.

To use orange successfully in most rooms, you want to use muted oranges, or shades and tints of orange. These are calmer versions of orange and create a much more restful room.

A Peach Room
When you add white to orange you get a peach. A rich peach to a sublte almost white peach. Using all these colors in this range will create a peaceful, tranquil interior design. It's also ideal for smaller rooms. Use a light peach on the walls. Add simple drapes with the same tint of peach. Have your chairs and couches in the same fabric as your drapes. And your area rug should have a nice range of soft pale peaches to rich peaches. Your room will be exquisite. Ground the entire soft palette with dark stained furniture... stay away from oak and light pine. Also consider using white as a fabric in your room... white pillows... white vases... white chairs.
Peach to Black
Another alternative is to use a range of dark oranges as your color scheme. Adding black to orange will create browns. From a rich orange-brown to a black-brown. You may refer to this range as your guide for wood stains in your soft peach room. Or perhaps decorate your room in rich orange-browns. Consider painting your walls a peach. Your couch a rich brown from the dark orange range. Have your area rug a mix of soft peaches and rich orange-browns. And maybe your drapes and furniture are an orange with just a hint of black added. Now your room will be cozy and warm.

Add Blue
Add the compliment to the room to cool it down. The compliment to orange is blue. Orange and blue are on the opposite sides of the color wheel. When you add blue to orange you will mute the orange. This will create shades of muted oranges all the way to a greyish brown.
Add white to this palette for soft, less intense peaches... they really are more light beiges and tans.
Add black to the muted oranges to have a range of brown to a dark grey-brown.

You can use these muted tints and shades together to create a rich and dynamic room. A good rule of thumb is to refer to the grid of muted oranges below and use the 3 that are either next to each other, diagonal to each other or vertical to each other.
Do not mix the pure tints and shades with the muted colors. You can mix the pure oranges that have white and black added. And you can mix the muted oranges that have white and black added. But don't mix the 2 sets together. The result is unsuccessful.
Now you know how to use orange successfully in a monochromatic color scheme for your home decorating.

-pictures added by me-

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/143319

الجمعة، 8 أبريل 2011

هرمون السعاده

‏​‏​‏​هرمون السعادة

(الميلاتونين – MELATONIN)
تعريف الـ MELATONIN :

هرمون يفرز أثناء النوم مساءً فقط , ولا يفرز عندما ننام في النهار , فهو المنظم البيولوجي للإنسان .
(وجعلنا الليل سباتا))

يمكن الحصول على هذا الهرمون من طريقتين:
1. الطريقة الطبيعيّة (النوم المبكّر) .
2. الطريقة الصناعيــــة (أدويــــــــة)

تجدها في هذه الأطعمة:
الكـاكــاو من نوع DARK CHOCOTALE

فاكهة الموز , وهي من أغنى الأطعمة بهذا الهرمون .

[..المَـوْزْ..ومآ أَدرآكـَ المَوْزْ..!..]..!




وأكيد فوق هذا كله أكبر مصدر للسعادهـ حفاظنا على علاقتنا بـ ربنا عز وجل ،،،
ثم ،،،
سلامة صدورنا ونقائها،،، اللهم اجعلنا من السعداء في الدنيا والاخر

الخميس، 7 أبريل 2011

How to make homeschooling more fun

Being a parent, one of the pleasures of life is seeing your child off to school. You watch them go with the knowledge that you are providing them with the lifelong tools that will allow them to succeed.

There are, or a many conditions that lie in wait in school, you might even wonder if sending them to school is the best reward. Parents sometimes worry that teacher influences and peer pressures may not be good for your child. That is often when parents begin to think about homeschooling.

Home schools were created to provide parents with an alternative option to educate their child under personal supervision. They want to find a way to instill additional values. It gives parents the ability to be able to control and maintain the education they want their child to have. They can manage their child's behavior and instill in them the values that are important.

However, what people often don't realize is homeschooling is a great alternative to traditional schooling and both the parents and the children can have fun learning things. With homeschooling, parents can make their child's learning process more fun and less rigid compared to the traditional school system.

Here's a list on how to make homeschooling your children fun:

1. Make reading more fun

The best way to teach a child is to make things easier for him or her to understand and learn. The best way to do this is to introduce fun into the setting.

For instance, if you want to teach your children to read, it would be better if you will read to them just to have some fun. Let them enhance their imagination by generating life into the characters included in the story. In this way, they will be able to learn things with lots of fun.

Create a connection with their books and give them norms and standards than those set by the typical school system.

2. Make learning comfortable

If the child or the student is comfortable with the program, then homeschooling can be more fun. It will generate more enthusiasm persuading the child to participate in the process.

The point here is that in order to make homeschooling more fun, parents should never be cumbered on the idea of teaching itself. They should teach by example. That is, truly, a fun way of learning things.

الأحد، 3 أبريل 2011

دراسات طبيه تبين ارتباط مضادات الإكتئاب ومخاطر على القلب


نيو اورليانز (رويترز) - كشفت دراسة أن الرجال متوسطي العمر الذين يستخدمون مضادات للاكتئاب أكثر عرضة للاصابة بضيق في الاوعية الدموية وهو ما يزيد من احتمالات الاصابة بأزمات قلبية وسكتات

دماغية مقارنة بغيرهم الذين لا يتناولون هذه العقاقير.

واظهرت دراسة على عدد من التوائم أدلة على تصلب للشرايين في قياس السمك الداخلي للشريان السباتي بصرف النظر عن نوع مضاد الاكتئاب المستخدم.

واكتشفت الدراسة ان استخدام مضادات الاكتئاب تسبب زيادة قدرها 37 ميكرون في سمك الشريان السباتي او نحو خمسة في المئة. وشملت الدراسة 500 توأم من الرجال متوسط اعمارهم 55 عاما وعرضت في الاجتماع العلمي لطب القلب الأمريكي في نيو أورليانز.

وبين كل توأم من جملة 59 توأما يأخذ احدهما مضاد 
للاكتئاب دون الاخر. واظهر البحث ان الذي يتناول العقار يزيد لديه سمك البطانة الداخلية للشريان السباتي بمتوسط 41 ميكرون.

وبم انه في كل عام يزيد سمك الشريان بعشرة ميكرونات تكون شرايين الشقيق الذي تناول العقار اكبر بأربعة أعوام عن نظيرتها لدى توأمه.

وكانت دراسات سابقة ربطت بين الاكتئاب وزيادة مخاطر الاصابة بأمراض القلب ولكن الدراسة لم تعتبر الاكتئاب دليلا قويا على تصلب الشرايين.

وقال الدكتور اميت شاه زميل طب القلب في جامعة ايموري في اتلانتا الذي عرض الدراسة "لاننا لم نر علاقة بين الاكتئاب في حد ذاته وضيق الشريان السباتي فذلك يدعم حجة انه من المرجح جدا ان مضادات الاكتئاب وليس الاكتئاب الفعلي قد يكون سبب هذه العلاقة."

وأضاف شاه "تذكرنا الدراسة بان الادوية يكون لها في الغالب اثار جانبية لا نشعر بها ويتعين علينا دوما ان نأخذ ذلك في الاعتبار. تقدم هذه العقاقير الكثير من الفوائد ولكن يتعين التعامل مع كل حالة على حدة."

ورجح شاه ان تكون زيادة مستويات مواد كيميائية بعينها في المخ مثل السيروتونين والبافراز نتيجة استخدام مضادات الاكتئاب قد تسبب انقباض الاوعية الدموية مما يؤدي الى نقص في تدفق الدم الى الاعضاء وارتفاع الضغط وهو ما يزيد من خطورة الاصابة بتصلب الشرايين.

وقال شاه "لانها كانت دراسة على توائم فقد اجرينا تحليلا دقيقا يقارن بين أشقاء متشابيهن جينيا بأي حال من الاحوال بنسبة تترواح ما بين 50 الى مئة في المئة ونشأوا في نفس البيئة."

المصدر : أخبار ياهو مكتوب

The Fast and Effective Treatments For Rosacea

by Stephen Michaels

Finding effective treatments for rosacea quickly is a very important thing to do. This is because 
acne rosacea is a severe type of acne that you should address immediately if you don't want it to give you serious skin problems such as severe acne scarring on your skin.
Acne rosacea usually occurs for people at the age of thirty five to sixty and usually affects women more than men. Doctors who have had experiences with rosacea somehow concludes that one of the main factors that cause it is heredity and this is because they often see that an entire family has this type of problem with them. It is important to remember that genetics is indeed one of the factors that are believed to be the major reasons for the occurrence of acne.
Although there are no actual cures for rosacea there are a lot of effective treatments for rosacea that are able to help neutralize its effects and avoid the possibility of damage to your skin. These treatments may range from antibiotics to topical creams and ointments and of course even from surgical procedures. All of these treatments actually have one aim and that is to control and neutralize the inflammation and redness of the skin that is the main symptom of acne rosacea.
You can use these guidelines in your search for the treatments for rosacea that are able to effectively relieve you from the major symptoms that come with it.
•Oral antibiotics are one of the treatments that are able to act quickly in reducing the inflammation that comes with rosacea. They are not permanent treatments though, they are only used to provide you with a way to relieve yourself from this inflammations and neutralize and prepare them for other medications that are aimed for controlling rosacea completely.
Facial Cleansers are used to clean the skin of debris and excess oil that triggers and worsen acne breakouts with acne rosacea. These facial cleansers act by removing excess oil from the skin and then clearing it from any accumulated debris and clogged pores. This also allows your skin to gain an environment in which its natural healing capabilities are boosted.
Laser Treatments are also effective in the treatment of rosacea and this is because they emit pulsated light that penetrates the deeper layers of the skin that are unreachable to topical treatments. These pulsated lights deal with the small blood vessels that cause the redness in the skin during the acne rosacea.
Sun protection, although this is actually not a treatment for rosacea, is still a very important part of dealing with it. Since most of the treatments for rosacea involve the process of boosting the natural healing capabilities of the skin, it is very important that you avoid sun exposure so that the healing process of the skin does not get inhibited.
Knowing the right treatments for rosacea is very important in relieving yourself from the problems that it can give you. Understanding how they work and what needs to be done to promote their effects can be and edge in making them give you the most benefits.
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