الثلاثاء، 21 ديسمبر 2010

Creative Mind Mapping

 How to learn using Mind mapping
Over the years I have learned a lot about how to learn and
 how to learn more efficiently
 by using more effective note taking strategies,
 better reading strategies,
 and improving creativity and memory using hand written mind maps and more
 recently mind mapping software.
I wanted to share what I have learned as it has been helpful to me
 when studying for exams and
 will aid others who want to improve their memory
 and learning and be useful when studying for exams.
When learning and studying for exams at school I was
 using incorrect methods
 and strategies for memorizing information.
 These would include linear note taking
 which can be time consuming and not at all efficient for reviewing information.
 Linear notes involve writing ideas in the form of sentences.
 They also make it difficult
 to see how the different key topics and sub topics are related.
Advantages of Mind Mapping
Linear note taking lack the visual cues that aid in recalling
 key topics and elements of a subject
 that mind maps have. They can even be a hinderance to
 revision as too much time
 can be spent writing and trying to locate the key information and
 not on memorizing the key information.
More importantly they do not fully utilize both sides of the brain. 
Imagine running in a race
 using only half of your body
 Likewise the brain functions much better when both the right 
and left sides are being used.
 Just as you would be able to move many times faster if you 
utilized both sides of your body
 so your mind functions many times more effectively
 when you are fully utilising both sides of the brain.
The left side deals mainly with words,
 numbers, logic, lists. The right side deals mainly with Colour,
 Rhythm, Imagination, Daydreaming and seeing the whole picture.
The reason a mind map is such a powerful tool for learning, 
memory and
 creativity is because it combines all of those activities and they
 reflect the structure
 of thought and memory which work via association, imagination and images.
 Mind maps provide a very powerful aid in studying,
 problem solving, note taking,
 writing and decision making. They can also greatly assist creativity and memory
 as they enable the visualization, organization, association of ideas and information.
The elements of a mind map are arranged intuitively according to the
 importance of the concepts,
 and use branches or nodes to associate similar key
topics and subtopics arranged around a central key word or idea.
 Mind Maps enable quick revision and recall of information and they organize
 information in the same way that the mind does.
Five Main rules of Mind Mapping
Here are five main rules when Mind Mapping suggested by Tony Buzan,
 the inventor of Mind
Mapping and creator of IMindmap.
 IMindmap is the only Mind Mapping
 software that fully utilizes all of these 5 rules.

The image should represent the overall theme or
 topic for your Mind Map
and should stand out using colour and preferably a central image.
If you are creating your Mind Map by hand then insure
 you have a good sized sheet of paper. Draw a central 
image in the centre of the paper,
 of If you are using Imindmap you can choose
a central image from the library or create one yourself
and select it from your personal collection.
2. Draw the Main Branches and add keywords.
Draw the Main Branches and add a key word for each main
area of that theme or topic.
 Try and use thicker branches near the centre
 and larger keywords 
representing the main sub-topics. Making the key sub-topics
 stand out by placing
 them nearer the centre of the mind map with thicker
 branches and larger letters
 will help your mind differentiate and 
visualize the key information easier.
Curved organic branches are the most effective as they 
reflect the structure
 of your brain and add variety and excitement making
 the information
 easier to remember.
 Straight lines do not excite your mind and are boring.
 Adding colour and curved branches allow your mind
 to soak up more information which is crucial for recall.
IMindmap creates organic, natural looking Mind Maps by
 enabling you to create
 curved organic branches and organizes the thickness of your
 branches with the branches
 nearer the centre of the Mindmap thicker then those on the outside. 
You can also
create the branches in freehand mode.
3. Colour
Colours are exciting to your brain as images.
 They add extra interest and life and give
 energy to your creative thinking. Add Colour to your Mind Maps.
IMindmap adds plenty of colour to your Mind Map automatically
 selecting a colour for you
 or ifyou want you can add your own colours.
4. Add Child branches
Add child branches and Keywords from your main branches
 sub sub-topics.
 Try and stick with single words as they will generate many more
and connections
 allowing your mind to spark off new ideas and thoughts.
 Single words will provide power and flexibility to your Mind Map.
If you are using Imindmap you can always add hidden notes or links
 to your branches
 so your Mind Map remains clear and easy to follow.
5. Images
A picture can paint a thousand words and images have a huge
 impact on your brain.
 The more you use them the better. Try and use images rather then
 words when you can as they
encourage imagination and creativity and make it easier for your mind 
to recall information.
 You will also be fully utilizing both sides of your brain in the process.
Imindmap makes attaching images or icons to any branch
 very easy and has an image
 library enabling you to search for thousands of images online or offline.
 Or if you wish you
can import your own or sketch your own using
 Imindmaps drawing tools.
6. Add Connections
Create plenty of connections between the different branches
 as your
mind works best by creating associations and connections between ideas.
 It likes to link up 3 or 4 things together.
 If you connect branches and therefore
 ideas you will understand and remember a lot easier.
 These connections will start
 forming the rest of your main branches then your second level branches
and then third branches until you run out of ideas.
Relationship arrows should also be used to connect two
 ideas which are
 related but may not follow one another.
To enhance your Mind Map, with IMindmap you can insert a collection
 of different
features including Notes, links to websites or documents,
 clouds, arrows,
 floating images, text and even your own sketches.
If you think your Mind Map is getting too large
 you can easily link it up to a child Mind Map.
You can also export your MindMap as a webpage,
 image, PDF, Word or PowerPoint to be used as a presentation.
--- articles and maps :  MIND MAPS

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