الجمعة، 10 ديسمبر 2010

Self Organization - Ways To Organize Yourself

Self Organization -
Ways To Organize Yourself

Self Organization Tips
1. Accept the fact that we cannot rely too much on memory
2. The human mind is exposed to a deluge of information every day. As a result the mind applies a filtering process so only a proportion of what we see and hear is retained in our minds. So instead of depending on our selective memory why not depend on a piece of paper.
3. Carry a scribbling pad and a pen with you all the time
4. The moment you fix an appointment or are asked to attend a meeting, jot it down in the scribbling pad. Do not bother about others laughing at you. You will have the last laugh in the end.
5. It is a good idea to write down orders in your book:
6. Each time you tell somebody to do something or when somebody like your boss asks you to do something write it down in your book along with the date and the time. Do not be afraid of being thought about as a person with a very poor memory. It won’t be long before people start thinking of you as a highly organized person.
7. If you have an electronic pocket organizer be sure to use it
8. Each time someone gives you his or her telephone number, immediately enter it into your pocket organizer, along with the person’s name of course.
9. Use the backside of business cards to help your memory
10. Usually we get a lot of business cards as we go about our daily business of life. The business card of course contains the name of the person, his or her telephone number and probably the name of the firm for which the person works.

But the problem is, the next time we meet the person, the face may seem familiar but we won’t have the foggiest idea as to where we met the person.

The best thing is to jot down a few points about the person and probably the reason for meeting him or her and the place as well. This will certainly lessen the load on your memory centre. Be sure not to do it in front of the person.

11. File the business cards properly
12. As soon as you get back to your office take care to file the business cards you collected properly. Don’t just stuff them into your card folder. Take care to read them properly and perhaps keep the cards of important clients separately. If you do not find much use for a person’s card, toss it.
13. Prepare a to-do list everyday
14. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of to-do lists in getting yourself organized. It is probably the most sensible thing that a busy person should do.
15. Plan what you have to do well in advance
16. It is a good idea to have daily, weekly and monthly plans for your business and yourself.
17. Have a fixed timetable
18. It may seem kind of mechanical but it would be wonderful if you could have a fixed time for everything and try to stick religiously to the time table. Believe me it really helps because in that way you will have time for everything and everything can be done in the time allowed for it.

Email: admin@about-goal-setting.com 

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